Have you been questioning your cognitive functioning - your attention, memory and reasoning?

Cognitive Testing



The leading comprehensive online psychological screener to measure cognitive functioning.

Your Mental health is intrinsically linked to core aspects of cognitive function which are key to quality of life.

Take the cognitive screener from Creyos (formerly Cambridge Brain Sciences) and measure 12 areas of cognitive functioning.

Using a game-like format, the cognitive screener consolidates hours of testing into a shorter time frame to test functioning such as spatial reasoning, working memory, verbal reasoning, and response inhibition.

A report provides results for each cognitive function tested and a 30 minute review with the clinical psychologist gives you insight into potential strengths and weaknesses.

or sign up now

Are you experiencing any of the following?

* Unable to focus

* Can't stay on task

* Forget relevant details

* Unable to problem solve effectively

* Difficulty sequencing behavior towards completion of a task

* Can't think clearly

* Find sentence structure and verbal reasoning challenging

You may be wondering...

Is it ADHD?

Long Covid?


Learning Disorder?


Memory loss



The Cognitive screener by Creyos measures...


Deductive Reasoning

- the ability to apply rules to information in order to arrive at a logical conclusion. This ability is often used in scenarios such as evaluating a complex argument and deciding if you agree, or solving everyday math problems, such as splitting the bill at a restaurant.



- the ability to sequence behavior in an orderly fashion to reach specific goals. This ability is often used in scenarios such as deciding the order of items to pack in the trunk of a car, or organizing your schedule to effectively balance work, chores, and social life.s


Visuospatial Processing

- the ability to effectively process and interpret visual information, such as complex visual stimuli and relationships between objects. This ability is often used in scenarios that require precise assessment and reasoning about objects, such as constructing models.


Mental Rotation

- the ability to manipulate mental representations of objects in order to make valid conclusions about what objects are and where they belong. This ability is often used in scenarios involving assembly, such as. building a deck, putting or planning a new layout for a room.. 


Working Memory

- the ability to temporarily hold information in memory and manipulate or update it based on changing circumstances. This ability is often used in scenarios such as systematically searching for a lost item in your home, and keeping in memory places you've already searched, so that you do not search in that same place again.


Episode Memory

- the ability to remember and recall specific events, paired with the context in which they occurred. This ability is often used in scenarios such as remembering which cupboard you put your groceries in, learning what each button does in a new app or device, or remembering who you talked to yesterday, and at what time.


Spatial Short-Term Memory

- the ability to temporarily store spatial information in memory. This ability is often used in scenarios such as following a set of dance moves, or giving directions to someone for a route you just took.


Visualspatial Working Memory

- the ability to temporarily hold information in memory, and manipulate it based on changing circumstances or demands. This task involves reproducing a set of relationships between objects in space., This ability is often used in scenarios such as planning your day and the errands you need to run, then carrying out those errands in the correct order by memory.



- the ability to focus on relevant details or differences, This ability is often used in scenarios such as staying focused on a task when it counts (like driving), identifying similarities and differences when comparing two things, or noticing small interpersonal details, like a partner's haircut.


Response Inhibition

- the ability to remember and recall specific events, paired with the context in which they occurred. This ability is often used in scenarios such as remembering which cupboard you put your groceries in, learning what each button does in a new app or device, or remembering who you talked to yesterday, and at what time.


Verbal Short-Term Memory

- the ability to hold information in mind and verbally rehearse it for as long as necessary. This ability is often used in scenarios such as understanding long sentences by remembering the beginning of the sentence by the time you get to the end, or writing down a phone number or entering in credit card information from memory.


Verbal Reasoning

- the ability to quickly understand and make valid conclusions about concepts expressed in words. This ability is often used in scenarios such as understanding complex every speech - e.g., "I didn't know that he wasn't going to show up.", or giving clear verbal or written instructions to people who report to you at work.

Ready to Get Started?

Take the Cognitive Screener and get answers about your cognitive functioning.


What's the process?

Step 1 - Complete the intake forms and payment

Step 2 - Take the computerized cognitive screener

Step 3 - Get the results report and a 30 minute virtual feedback session with the Clinical Psychologist.


Do I receive a report post-test?

Yes. You are emailed a copy of the test results including how you measure per function.

How does the test work?

The cognitive screener is a computerized test with a game-like format. Each section takes you through a training and practice first, so you understand the objective and can try it out and be prepared.

Can I do the test virtually or do I have to come into the office?

You can do the test and meet with Dr. Engen virtually, or the test can be done in the office.

What if my results indicate a diagnosis?

If the results suggest a possible diagnosis, Dr. Engen will recommend further comprehensive testing or another recommendation on how to proceed during his feedback session.

How do I sign up to take the test?

Sign up here.

What are the ideal conditions for taking the test?

We recommend you take the test alone, in a quiet environment and with minimal distractions, and that you set aside minimum 45 minutes. The test must be taken on a laptop or desktop or tablet. Smart phones are not able to administer the test.

Do you take insurance?

The current fee for the cognitive screener including the feedback session with the clinical psychologist is $450 for self-pay clients.

Is the test refundable?

Once completed, the test is not refundable. However, if unforeseeable circumstances occur while you are taking the test, we can resend the link to restart the process. It is however best to take the test once and to ensure you take ample precautions in advance for optimum test taking practices.

I am a provider - how do you I refer a patient for this test?

You can download the patient referral form here or send the patient to this page.

Who we are...

We are a second-generation clinical psychology practice in Southeast Georgia. We offer virtual and in-office evaluation, consultation and therapy in Georgia and offer virtual evaluations to Florida. Brendan C. Engen, PsyD obtained his Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from C.I.I.S. in San Francisco, following undergraduate study at Ole Miss. Dr Engen works with all ages, focusing on ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Anxiety, Depression and PTSD, from his clinic - The Eupatheia Center, in Brunswick, GA.

About Creyos...

Formerly Cambridge Brain Sciences, Creyos is the leading online platform for cognitive assessment with one of the largest secure cognitive databases and has been featured on CNN, BBC, and Discovery Channel.

- 12 million+ tasks completed globally and counting
- Backed by 25+ years of scientific research
- Tasks used in 300+ peer-reviewed studies of cognition.